Learn SQL for
Will you start learning SQL in MySQL?
Did you forget the statements many times?
Do you no longer remember the syntax and the result of an statement?
Developed to easily learn SQL Programming for MySQL
This App acts as a reference for the SQL language
Learn DML & DDL statements with description, syntax, notes and examples
For each statement is presented:
Detailed description of the statement/command purpose
Syntax of the statement with various options
Two examples executed from a real table (Automobile Table)
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1.1 - Comments
1.2 - Data Types
2. (DML) Data Manipulation Language
2.1 – SELECT
- Columns, Multi-Column, All Columns
- Expressions, Functions, Alias
- Limit, Distinct, Order By
- Where
- Relational, Math & String Operators
- Wildcards
- Group By, Having, Aggregate Functions
- Union (Any & All)
- Subqueries
- Joins (Inner, Right, Left)
- Select Into
2.2 - INSERT
- With Columns names
- Without Column names
- Rules
- Insert Into ... Select
2.3 - DELETE
- Delete All Rows
- Delete ... Where
- Rules
- Referencial Integrity
2.4 - UPDATE
- Update All Rows
- Update ... Where
- Rules
3.1 - CREATE
- Create Database
- Create Table
- Create Index
- Auto-Increment
- Constraints (PK, FK, CK, DF, UQ, NN)
3.2 - ALTER
- Alter Columns
- Add Constraints
- Drop Constrains
3.3 - DROP
- Drop Table
- Drop Database
- Drop Index
- Delete Versus Truncate